Woman of the Universe #9


Those beautiful green eyes, long lustrous hair, that perfect skin, that mesmerising smile, that perfect lean body…. Oh that feeling! She looked in the mirror, those green eyes staring right back at her, thanked every God for this day.  It seemed like not long ago, when she would close her eyes and imagine being the girl she today is! Days and days she had spent praying for this day, and here she was, living her dream…
Then why did she not feel like it? Why did she feel so empty, like there was a hole somewhere deep in her heart. Wasn’t she supposed to feel content and complete, now that she had grown into this extremely beautiful young woman that she always longed to be.
All she ever wished for was hers, the boy she liked since forever, someone who barely knew of her existence, now wanted her. Then why was she so hesitant on going out with him? She often found herself in a state of ambivalence when she thought that he was only interested in her now because of her outer beauty...and not who she was as a person. Was a change in the external appearance all it took for people’s behaviour to transform? Every old relative or friend who otherwise wouldn’t even acknowledge her, were now complementing her. She would express her gratitude and put on a smile, but deep down, she knew. None of them cared about who she truly was, nobody even wanted to know the real her. They were happy looking at the illusion, the perfect external appearance, the perfect skin, perfect body….but nobody saw the scars inside. No one wanted to see deeper than the flesh and bone, no one wanted to see what she was truly made of. They wanted the illusion….
The world we live in has become so superficial, that inner beauty has simply become a thing to read in quotes and books, not exist in real life. Life now is only about materialistic things – money, clothes, make up, status; that’s how we judge, no matter how rich or poor one’s inner self is… Today, a woman would easily have the privilege of a flawless body, face and skin but lack a simple peaceful good night sleep! Turns out, you can’t buy sleep with money, not yet….. Now that’s something truly expensive!
Was she really happy? Was she really at peace? Or Was she happier being a naïve average teenage with huge hopes and dreams? She was thankful for who she was today, but still there were times she missed her, the old her. She missed people being genuine. She missed people talking to her for who she was not what she looked like….
She wondered, was her lifelong dream a blessing or a curse?


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