Woman Of The Universe #6

The holiday season was back, everyone was in a festive and chirpy mood, looking forward to the family dinners and parties, the food, the sweets, the dressing up, etc. But the only reason she waited for the holidays, was so that she could stay at home with her parents and dog. Dressing up, going to parties and meeting people were the last things on her mind. Staying at home, watching movies and spending time with her loved ones, was her definition of christmas. After all, that’s what Christmas is really about, spending time and building memories with your loved ones, whilst spreading peace, love and joy in the world.
Although there were times when Just like any girl her age, She loved dressing up, putting on make up and going out. And just like any other girl, hated to be reminded by every next person about how she was overweight and the various remedies for it. As if she wasn’t already aware of her weight. She did own a mirror! Just when she would forget about her weight and body and try to have a good time, like a normal girl, she would be reminded, either by some bully at school or some ‘over caring’ relative. She hated when this happened and thus chose to stay in with her family, where she would not have to worry about her body or hair or skin. Home was where she could just be free, where nobody would judge her about her appearance, home was where she could breathe…
She often wondered, Was the outer body so important, that nobody cared about who she was as a person. Was there no value for inner beauty? Why does our society give such importance to the external and superficial? Animals don’t care about your weight, color, body or skin for loving you, then why do humans? Aren’t we supposed to be higher, intelligent beings! Why is it that she was called ‘that fat girl’ instead of that girl who is always so kind and helpful’...
She loved herself, flaws and everything and she was confident that eventually she would lose those extra pounds, not for the society, but for herself. What bothered her was this mindset, this shallow and pretentious thinking.
Could there ever be a society where she would be just a normal girl? Was being normal too much to ask? Was it too much to wish for a society where she could just Breathe….


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