Woman of the Universe #5

What if someone you never met, someone you never knew, was the only someone for you? “ Most people must’ve come across this famous quote…. But how is it be possible to miss someone you’ve never met? How could she be homesick for a place she wasn’t sure even existed. One where her heart was full, her body loved. And her soul understood...
There were days she would wonder where did all these feelings come from. It wasn’t like she was some hopeless romantic; quite the opposite actually! She hardly spent time thinking about weddings or watching romantic comedies, unlike other girls her age. Its not like she was unhappy or lonely. She had the best family and friends. She was great with her studies and loved what she did. She was happy! Although, just to make things interesting, she always wondered how is love related to the heart, when according to her science classes, all the human heart does is pump blood and keep us alive. There was nothing mentioned about love there! Instead she believed that love was just created by the limbic system which controls our emotions and feelings.

Then what was this? Why was she feeling these emotions? Little did she know, eventually, she would have the answers to all the questions she ever wondered about. And that her beliefs were about to take a 360 degree turn! 

As goes the famous saying, “What’s meant to be, will always find its way.” A few years down the road, there she was, at the right place, at the right time. All it took was that One look, that fraction of second when their eyes met for the very first time, and she knew……She was Home! She had all the answers she ever asked, for his eyes unfolded the mystery of her life… 

How could a person she met for the first time in her life, make her feel like that! Rationally it sounded like she had lost her mind. But deep down, the feelings she felt were more real than the reality she saw, and that’s what she chose believe in. Every single thing that happened in her life was to get her here, to this day, to this moment. Everything she had been through, every lesson that she had learned, was to prepare her, to make her the person she was today... For they would meet only when they were perfect for each other….

He maybe wrong in the eyes of the world, but he was the most right thing that came in her life. She didn’t care if people warned her about him being too conceited, brash or flamboyant. She knew that this was only a façade, a mask he wore to protect himself from the unworthy. After all, she was just the same, well, maybe not that flamboyant, but she too was extremely reticent about her life. She knew him, the real him, and he knew her, every part of her, the light and the dark. He is her mirror, her reflection…. Two individuals, one mind, two individuals, one heart, two individuals, one soul. Every time their eyes met, even now, she felt a jolt of the best and the most happy, unparalleled and cheerful feeling in her heart, and she knew as to why they always said love was related to the heart! Even a single touch made her bones melt. 

She was happy even before she met him; she didn’t know that this all new level of happiness and contentment could even exist in life, she supposed it was only possible in paradise. 
Standing on the rooftop, in his arms, looking at the skyline of the most beautiful and chaotic city they called home, she saw her Paradise
Today she knew Love, Today she was Love!

I know the conversations you’ll have with him, the jokes you’ll crack. And I wonder if somewhere the universe will experience Déjà vu…


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