Woman of the Universe #7

Partying all night with friends or watching netflix at home, going to a family function or coffee with the best friend, hanging out at a club or staying in all weekend, a fancy romantic date at the most elite restaurant or a long drive and a walk at the beach?  Some prefer the first while others the later. But what did she desire? What if I said , it was all of the above? What if she wanted it all? Sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? Well that’s what she was, a paradox, an enigma to unravel...
Not everyone understood her, and that she didn’t mind. She knew and understood herself perfectly, that’s what made all the difference. What others thought or perceived of her hardly mattered.
 She was both, introvert and extrovert. She was a thinker. She had her coffee , books and music. She had her style. There was something deeper to her than what meets the eye, which would take years and years to read. She had a beautiful soul. She had a power, the power of being honest with herself. The power to be who she was, irrespective of the social norms. She was not afraid to be different. She was not afraid to be her.
She had phases and moods ranging from dancing at a club in that perfect little black dress to going complete MIA for months! She loved going out with her set of friends. She didn’t mind meeting new people as far as she was with someone she was close to, by her side. After all she was highly selective of her friends and who she let in. But all of this socialising, meeting people and partying had a expiration, when she’d need time to recharge. That’s when she needed time alone, in her own space, in her mind, with her solitude!
She was so content sitting in her room at night, smiling to herself watching her favourite TV shows. Whatever she did, It wasn’t about showing the world, it was all about what made her the happiest in that moment. When she wanted to be by herself, she would opt to stay in for days in a row than being out in some uncomfortable situation, pretending to be happy. Her decisions were never based on what people would say or think of her, instead on what felt right to her. Because happiness and peace were her priority, and all she did to achieve that state of mind followed. 
She had simplified life for herself, she strongly believed to  “Do what brings you peace and happiness as far as its not hurting anybody.” If we could just stop showing and impressing others and start living for ourselves the world would be immensely positive and peaceful in an instant! 
If we would all just Live and Let Live….


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