Woman Of The Universe #8

Future – one word that has the power of sending chills down one’s spine! A concept that if one thinks about, is full of questions, obscurity and possibilities!  Scary and exciting at the very same time. And that’s precisely the ambiguity She felt today.

Her whole world was changing in the blink of an eye! A new beginning, a completely new phase of life was at the doorstep. This is what she had prayed and wished for since as long as she could remember and today, her dream had been realized. She was so happy and ecstatic to live the life of her dreams. But somewhere deep down, in a dark forbidden place of her mind, she would think…..
“There are so many questions, such a vast uncertainty and tremendous metamorphosis to come. Now that she was moving to a foreign land for work, away from her family,  friends and loved ones, leaving her old life behind; would sacrificing all of this be worth it? Would she be able to make a life for herself? Would she find new friends or end up being all alone? Would she ever meet the right man and fall in love with him? And if she did, what would her story be like? Would it be something like Monica and Chandler or maybe a Chuck and Blair or perhaps some Sleepless in Seattle wouldn’t be so bad either!” She stayed up all night, staring at the clear night sky, her mind and thoughts running in every direction, thinking about all the boundless possibilities of the coming future.
Bags packed, tickets ready, heart full of hope, she was ready to take the step forward, to a new life, where all her questions would be answered in the most twisted way possible. That’s the thing about life, it never ceases to surprise. The story life had in store for her, was full of endless possibilities, far more than she could ever imagine! And that’s what we call,  ‘The beauty of life!’


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