Woman Of The Universe #11

Ever met someone who you once set your eyes on and couldn’t look away from? She wasn’t necessarily the most beautiful woman you met, but one look and you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off her. There was something about her, some kind of magnetic pull that allured anyone in her path. People all around were so enticed by her physical appearance and charisma that they never came to see that she was made of so much more…
She was the purest form of beauty and love. She could make you feel a level of happiness like you’ve never felt before. She was like birds chirping on a cold crisp morning, like the sound of rain… Her aura was like a breeze at the sea shore that can arried you away in a different world of serenity!
She resided in places where she could find Love, even the tiniest bit of it. She lived where a mother strived day and night to feed her children. She lived where a man sacrificed his life in the name of his country. She lived where soulmates met! She longed for those little moments of pure love. She lived for that cup of coffee while watching a sunset. That micro second of an eye contact with a stranger, sharing a shy smile….. She lived for LOVE!

She was just like a Rose, so beautiful and yet so strong. Enchanting from afar but you could get hurt if not handled right.

Nobody had powers or the strength and resilience like she did! She could turn your whole life upside down, transform you into this whole new person, make you do things you would never dream of doing. She had the gift to heal a dying man. She could give you a calmness you’d have never found anywhere else, she would make you feel like Home! Such was her might!

Years went by and as more and more people got acquainted with her powers, the more threatened they got. They tried to get her to use her powers in wrong doings and in achieving their selfish motives. But she, who was made of such purity, could not live by such negativity, due to which, her powers started to diminish as days passed…. Soon enough they came to realise that she wasn’t going to be of any use to them in getting what they desired, so, they locked her away in a cage, of which she couldn’t break free.

Day after day, year after year, captured in a cage around the negativity, she is fading away into thin air… 
Unfortunate for her captives, for they do not know …..
The day she would fade away from Earth, would begin the doom of humanity. For she is LOVE!
And As we all know, 
"Do not pity the dead, pity the living, and above all, those who live without LOVE.”

Oh what we find, when we stop searching;

Oh what we feel, when we stop forcing;
Oh what we receive, when we stop fearing; 

Oh what we become, when we just LOVE!


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