Woman of the Universe #12

Ever noticed that one spot in our house which feels even more like home? That chair in the living room or that swing in the balcony, that one place where you are completely yourself, totally at ease. As she sat down on the most comforting spot on her couch, sipping on some evening coffee and checking her phone after a long day at work, something caught her eye! “Damn you, Instagram! You always seem to read my mind!” She said to herself as she read a post from some page, saying, “Life is a balance of Holding On and Letting Go…”  'Well, its super easy to make a quote or write pages about letting go or keeping a balance, but how do you decide when to stop holding on and let go? At what point is the right time to let go? And what about that thin line between giving up and letting go? Can anybody please give some guidelines on that too? ‘ She thought to herself, taking a screenshot of the quote for future references…
As she ran her finger down that screen on her phone, her mind ran miles elsewhere…. ‘ Does this mean I still haven't let go? Why did that quote hit me so hard? Or was it because sometimes I still feel like I gave up? Was it my weakness or strength to let it go? ‘ she thought,  when a video of some funny dog popped up and started to play on her phone and got her out of that moment of turmoil. “Good save”, she muttered to the dogs in her phone and smiled. Stupid overthinking mind! 
She was STRONG, she knew it. It took great strength, real emotional endurance to let go of something that was her whole life. Ever felt a part of you die? Sometimes it takes losing what you thought you couldn't live without, to realize you're still living. But what comes next? You hold on to the pain, make it your best friend, for months and years, probably because that pain is all you’ve got… As time passes, the only option left for such situations, relationships and things that are out of our control, is to let go and go on, forward. And so did she.
She held on for as long as she could, but eventually learnt that  there are some things beyond our control, however much you try, we do not have that power. So either you spend the rest of your life running behind something or someone that’s probably gone or you lift up every ounce of courage inside of you to let it go and LIVE. 
Takes a lot to live, there were times she went back and forth. There were times, she questioned her decision, times she was terrified of life, of the future and the obscurity that came with it. But she held her head high, despite the rare moments of self doubt, she went on, leaning on one word, Faith. The belief that it would be all right in the end.
As that old saying goes, When one door closes…. Another door opens… All you’ve got to do is look out for the open door, rather than regretting upon the closed….


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