Woman Of The Universe #15

Always smiling and always making others smile, she always knew how to help someone find the light, despite the darkness she constantly lived with. Probably why, often, the outside world would get rather overwhelming. 

All she ever wished was for love and happiness all around. But she was well aware that happiness isn't something you could simply wish for, it is something you have to be. One has to actively learn to be happy. To decide every morning on what kind of a day they will have. 

Because, the truth is, that life sucks. Life is going to be boring, miserable, unfair and monotonous for most of the time. Of course there are those few good bits and pieces where you don't need to pretend to be happy. The faster one gets this bitter truth, the better.... Or not..

They always said that adults know everything on how to live and win at life. 'Really seems like someone played a joke on us', she thought. Because honestly it looks like we got this the other way round. We had it right before, as kids...

 As children, we lived in the present moment, unencumbered by the worries of the future or the regrets of the past. Grew ecstatic over simple joys, like eating a candy, something we barely even notice today (or probably just steer clear owing to the calories)..

We would laugh when happy and cry if sad. Feel and express emotions in that moment as for which they were meant and then move on...without any baggage.

This is it! We knew how to live as kids, without overthinking and anxiety over how things could go wrong, all we did was LIVE.

Live in the moment and work with whatever you've got on your plate instead of worrying about what you'll be served tomorrow. 

So that was the key, to being happy, she understood.

But all these years of growing up has left all of us somewhat broken and somewhere, somehow damaged. There were days where even feeling happy seemed rather taxing. The point when she had to lose control, had to feel the pain, to go through all of it to eventually get through it. It is important to feel sadness, it is essential to cry, for it makes us human! Just like a child, do not fear sadness. Cry if you want to (just know when to stop) and not get consumed in the darkness.

Just like, light cannot exist without darkness. One cannot truly feel joy of you've never known sorrow and pain.

So, she learned to pretend to be happy, till she couldn't, and then she did, again...


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