Woman of the Universe #2

      It always comes to this, doesn't it? Why do we always end up here? Deciding between two, to choose one. Why can't we have both? It's such a cliche, to be stuck at this very situation. Every individual definitely experiences this inevitable situation, in some way or the other. It may be a choice between two flavors of ice cream or two men, it always haunts you. To decide between two. 
      Being a very hardheaded girl , she seemed to face that problem at a minimal. Unlike the other girls of her age, who couldn't decide over what color dress to wear each day, she had absolutely no issue deciding what to wear. Then again, she wasn't that much of a girls-girl as they say. However, she was no exception to the ghost of decisions. It haunted her in the worst way possible, so silly, that she ended up ridiculing at herself. As you must have already guessed it, the choice she had to make was between two boys. 'Oh so stupid and cliché', she thought! She wondered How had she become this person? The kind of girl She would once judge to no extent and have a great laugh at. But today, she was this girl, so she had no option but to laugh at herself and her state. And for the cherry on top, Not only was she unable to decide which boy She liked more, she knew this didn't matter as both the guys were off limits anyway. This was one of the most vulnerable part of her, a pit she would make sure to cover, always. 

           So She would try, and fail, each day.  There were days when She decided on one and then the other one called, and she was back to square one. Once she spoke to herself, "Which one to choose, the best friend who makes me feel warm or the guy who intimidates me to a level that I literally feel an electric current flowing through me the moment our eyes meet. Yes, I have feelings for them both, yes, both have a different spot in my heart, yes, both make my heart skip a beat, yes, both are off limits." And then she slapped herself.....


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