Woman of the Universe #3

       The world looked so minuscule to her from the height where she had reached. She could hardly believe that this was her life. It felt like she was playing one of those dress-up games she played with her friends as a kid. For her friends, it was all about the glamour and costumes, but that was never enough for her. She always needed a story, a character to play, to live someone’s life. 
        Years later, today, she lived a different story each day. She was living her dream, but it all came at a price. A price called Fame. The fame became an addiction, it became a habit, a kind of high she had never felt. But as the old phrase says, whatever goes up must come down…
    Soon enough, that bubble burst. When she really needed to talk to someone about her sleepless nights, she entered that room full of people she knew, but had no friends, not a single person to really talk to. That's when she realized, Everybody knew her, but did they really know who She was?  Here she stood all alone, at the top and boy it was lonely there! She felt like an animal in a cage, a barbie doll in a shop window, a public façade.
     It felt like she had a woken up from this long dream. She could see everything from the view up here, more clearer than ever! This day She decided that she would rise, and ride the merry-go-round of fame with health, grace, gratitude and love....from this day she would fly…


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